Edoardo Di Paolo

Un bellissimo ragazzo :)

Hi, I am Edoardo Di Paolo, a second year Ph.D. student in Cybersecurity at La Sapienza in Rome.

In October 2022, I pursued the MSc in Computer Science with the thesis “Bot Detection Leveraging Image Techniques” which is available here.

I received my Bachelor’s Degree in December 2020 with the thesis “Analisi delle problematiche di sicurezza del protocollo MQTT”. You can find the thesis here.

My interests in Computer Science include different fields such as IoT, artificial intelligence, anomalies on Social Networks and networks security. Currently, I am doing a research on social bots and IPv6 security under the supervision of prof. Angelo Spognardi. You can reach my Google Scholar here.

You can find a copy of my CV (and here a shorter version).

I like travelling, football and Formula 1. I am was a Rocket League player.